Monday, April 26, 2010


Macabre - gruesome, grisly, ghastly
Usage - The scene of crime was a macabre sight to behold.
Link -  sounds like hindi word makbara....and its made over the place where people are either buried or burnt.....and for me its a ghastly place..that I would never like to go to.... 
Link2 - Sounds like massacre..which means "excessive killing of many people"..and which also represents death..

Mace - clublike medieval weapon
Usage - She added some mace to the porridge.
Link - don't mess with me otherwise i will hit you with a mace..
Link2 - Aces with maces...
Link3 - sounds like Case- The famous CASE wherein the ceremonial staff of the president killed the latter with a club-like weapon was resolved today...

Macerate - soften by soaking in liquid, waste away
Usage - The compound macerated in the water.
Link - sort of like Masturbate, you usually need some liquid (ie lotion) to soften the penis when you masturbate, and after you're done, penis just wastes away...unless ur a monster...
Link2 - Mausi macerated pickle and then we ate it..

Machiavellian - cunning, double dealing
Usage - He was a firm believer of Machiavellian principles.
Link - sounds like mafia villain. A villain is always crafty and double dealing....
Link2 - this word sounds like "macchi vali" means women who sell fish... and they are very crafty in doing double-dealing with people...

Machinations - evil schemes or plots, a secret plan
Usage - Involved into this political machinations
Link - A machimation of supplying machine guns in the nation.

Madrigal - pastoral song, song for several singers without instruments
Usage - The group was singing a madrigal beautifully.
Link - MADRIGAL rhymes with married a PASTORAL SONG was sung for the married girl..
Link2 - A mad MJA student after SPICE and NON-SPICE was singing a madrigal at Regal.
Maelstrom - violent whirlpool, violent or turbulent situation
Usage - The boat was caught in the maelstrom.
Link - mal(= bad) strom (storm) bad storm like a whirpool...
Link2 - After the storm, there was a maelstrom...

Magnanimity - generosity, big hearted
Usage - His magnanimity made her feel indebted to him.
Link - magNANIMAous, NANI MA in hindi, is always "generous" to us...

Magnate - person of prominence or influence; powerful or influential person
Usage -  Being a business magnate, he had a busy social life.
Link - like a magnet.. attracts people and hence influences...

Maim - to injure somebody seriously, disable, cripple
Usage - people were maimed by the explosion.
Link -  sounds like 'MAYHEM' which means violence...
Link2 - sound like" my aim" accident happened when i was driving my car but believe me my aim was not to maim her......i did not do it intensionally to her ...i never wanted to disable her...

Makeshift - temporary expedient or substitute
Usage - Since the venue was not decided on time, they had to make do with a makeshift.
Link - make+shift....and when do u shift people in your office ,its when you need them urgently as a substitute in place of other employee...

Malady - illness, a disease but often used figuratively like a serious problem
Usage - She was suffering from a painful malady.
Link - Mala died after malady because of MALA-D pills....
Malaise - a feeling of being ill, unhappy or not satisfied
Usage - Mustafa suffers from a general malaise with pains and despair.
Link - mal(means bad, not good (of condition)+aise(sounds like ease)....and someone who is not at ease is one who is feeling ill..
Link2 - maal(a beautiful gir) hai tu... always making me uneasy. Mal hai tu!!! will make the girl uneasy also...

Malcontent - person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs
Usage - The racism prevalent in society turned him into a malcontent.
Link - mal(means not in good state)+content(means satisfied)........iif you are not in a good state you cannot be satisfied...

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