Sunday, June 6, 2010


Begrudge - envy, give or allow unwillingly, grudge
Usage - My father let me go for the prom with John quite begrudgingly.
Link - I begrudged my friend when he would beg roz(daily) for money.
Link2 - be+grudge --recall Grudge the famous horror movie, in which the ghost ( of a lady) killed by her husband which later killed many others because of envy and grudge...

Beguile - deceive, mislead or delude, cheat
Usage - It was extremely easy to beguile her in to granting permission for the booze party. 
Link - Guile sounds like Giles.. England's spin bowler Ashley Giles always mis leaded the batsman with his wrong-ones.
Link2 - Beguile = begal boys in duck tail cartoons were very sly...used to cheat...influence by slyness means foxiness..
Link3 - A takeoff from the mneumonic for guile, which is Guys guile Girls for sex; BEGUILE is girls attract and lure in guys for their money and nice cars...

Behemoth - huge creature
Link - A behemoth and mammoth, both were killed to maut(death).

Beholden - indebted, owing thanks, owing something to somebody because they have done something for you
Usage - I must say i am beholden to him for all the guidance i recieved these four years.
Link - beholden --be+hold--> HOLDING somebody's feet to THANK him....
Link2 - He said, "I dont want to hold your money as I don;t want to be beholden to anyone.

Belabor - to repeat an idea or argument many times to emphasize it, harp on, dwell on tediously, explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree, attack verbally
Usage -  She was belabored by her fellow students
Link - divide this word like be(means to exist)+labor--laborer (person who does the labour)so if someone is working as a labourer at some place, they are generally thrashed verbally by their seniors and higher officers...
Link2 - Imagine boss saying "you be labour" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking..

Beleaguer - a person who is experiencing a lot of difficulties and criticism, person who is harrased
Usage - The Turks besieged Vienna
Link - be+league+r -- focus on league ~ The opponent team harassed Dhanraj Pille to keep him out of the premier hockey LEAGUE...
Link2 - not able to withstand the HARASSMENT of the senior players the new player opted to BE out of the LEAGUE...

Belie - contradict, give a false impression, disguise
Usage - Her smile belies her true feeling of displeasure.
Link - sounds like be+lie.... lie means something false...
Link2 - His lie was belying his dishonesty ...

Belittle - disparage; depreciate, express a negative opinion of something, lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of
Usage - She belittled her student's efforts 
Link - be+little -- be little in value, depreciate ~ In recent days the value of dollar has depreciated a lot....
Link2 - Indians Belittled little master's achievement....they lost the match when our master Sachin scored a century...

Bellicose - warlike, having or showing a ready disposition to fight
Usage - She was fed up of bellicose young officers. 
Link - Belli ~ Billi (cat); two Billi (cats) very close about to attack : billi-close::bellicose/...
Link2 - Two guys were about to start a fight to watch a girl's belly from a window...i hope u got it...
Link3 - belli+cose ~ cose sounds like cause, a small fight can become a cause of warlike situation...

Hii guys....start following the blog to get all words in ur mail....find me on facebook by searching funvocab builder....