Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Precarious - unsafe, uncertain, risky
Usage - Negotiators on both sides knew that it was a precarious truce.
Link - sounds like PRE+CARE+IOUS....We have to take CARE while doing something risky so that it does not go wrong...we have to be careful before hand only...

Precept - principle, a rule about how to behave or look
Usage - His basic precepts prevented him from borrowing money from anyone. 
Link - sounds like "recipe" which is a guideline for cooking....
Link2 - In the movie Mohabbatein, you have to pre accept the precepts of Gurukul...

Precipice - very steep cliff
Usage - Looking down the sharp precipice made Rita feel giddy and faint. 
Link - I saw a naked girl sipping ice cream on the precipice...

Precipitous - steep, overhasty
Usage - Her precipitant acceptance of his proposal of marriage surprised everyone.
Link - The mountain PRECIPIce is very PRECIPITOUS...

Preclude - make impossible, prevent
Usage - The age limit precludes him from applying for the course at the university.
Link - sounds like EXCLUDE or keep out, whereas INCLUDE which is its opposite means to take in as part of a group....
Link2 - I didn't get pre clues, this precluded me to answer correctly...
Precocious - one who has extra ordinary abilities
Usage - Ron was a precocious child who started speaking when he was six months old
Link - sounds like pre(early) + cock(genital of man in slang) -> a "pre"-teen who has a huge "cock" is precocious....
Link2 - it can be pre+conscious(conscious). i.e. thing or person who/which is very conscious in advance...

Precursor - pioneer, predecessor, forerunner
Usage - The principal walked onto the stage as a precursor to announce the arrival of the chief guest. 
Link - In computer, cursor ie precursor to various files to be opened
Predicament - difficult situation
Usage - The fight between her brothers left her in a predicament
Link - sounds like PREDIC (T) - AMENT : imagine a situation where YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT will happen (can't predict) or WHAT TO DO..is a predicament....
Link2 - while giving presentation if your dick grows straight you will be in preDICament...

Predilection - preference, partiality
Usage - She has a predilection for the latest perfumes and cosmetics.
Link - sounds like pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial when you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your language...
Link2 - Every girl has predilection for Hrithik roshan's dil(heart )....

Preeminent - outstanding, superior
Usage - Amartya Sen is a preeminent Indian economist.
Link - sounds like prominent which is superior...

Hii guys....follow the blog to get all the words in you mail.....