Thursday, September 16, 2010


Persevere - continue steadily in spite of difficulties
Usage - He persevered in his attentions to his secretary. 
Link - sounds like persevere=persistent+severe,he is very severely persistent...

Perspicuous - (of something) plainly expressed, easy to understand 
Usage - His perspicuous argument finally won him the case.
Link - sounds like not suspicious.. absolutely clear...

Perturb - disturb greatly
Usage - The orbits of these stars were perturbed by the passings of a comet
Link - sounds like "disturb" or a washing tub you mix washing powder and agiate(disturb) the water...

Peruse - to read something in a careful way
Usage - Please peruse this report at your leisure
Link - sounds like abuse...when you read a sex abuse story in a read it in a very careful way and specially when it is about a hot girl...
Link2 - before keeping medicine in my purse while buying, I use to peruse the expiry date....

Pervasive - everywhere, omnipresent
Usage - God is pervasive
Link - Terrorism is pervasive because of Parvez Musharraf.... :P

Perversion - corruption, change from right to wrong
Usage - The case was a perversion of justice. 
Link - sounds like perfect version....perfect version of getting money is corruption...
Link2 - sounds like PARIVARTAN from right to wrong (turning to wrong use)...

Petrify - something frightening, turn to stone
Usage - The horror petrified his feelings
Link -  sounds like PATHARify (hindi pathar-stone)hence, the word...
Link2 - I was petrified when somebody patted on my back...

Petulant - touchy, peevish, ill-tempered
Usage - She seemed rather petulant and distracted today.
Link - sounds like pet + you+ lent....the pet which you lent me is making me irritated....
Link2 - If somebody peet you(hindi of hitting somebody)or beat you up, you will become irritable and annoyed....

Pharisaical - hypocritical,  who paid scrupulous attention to tradition 
Usage - The advocates are always regarded as pharaisical
Link - contains HARI and SAI all GOD name so Pharisaical means pious..

Hii guys...follow the blog to get all the words in your mail....


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