Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ardor - passion, zeal,heat
Usage - Jack’s ardor for Laura couldn’t be hidden.
Link -  A(AXE)+dor(Odor)....AXE deo spray has an Odor which initiates passion among gals.. 

Argot - slang, informal words spoken by  particular group of people
Usage - She had a hard time understanding their street patois.
Link - In our college argot, her name is goat.

Aria - solo song
Usage - The opera house reverberated with the opera singer’s aria.
Link1 - Heyy u hav d famous mARIA song by Ricky Martin.

Armada - fleet of warships
Usage - There was a sea battle between the English armada and the pirates. 
Link - Armada on Narmada river.

Arraign - charge in court, indict
Usage - He was arraigned before the magistrate on charges of fraud.
Link -  They were arraigned for a murder during the rain dance.

Hii guys....keep posting comments and referring it to your friends...