Friday, May 28, 2010


Holocaust - destruction by fire
Usage - They survived a veritable holocaust of German artillery fire from 3 sides of the Wood.
Link - holocaust - conc. on (caust) - we read it as caustic ... caustic is something that causes burning sensation , acidic ... holocaustic is extreme of caustic that is fully destroyed by burning .....

Holster - leather pistol case
Usage - He kept his pistol in a holster.
Link - holster rhymes with gangster.. a gangster wud ve a holster with him to keep his pistol..
Link2 - A HOSTLER can have only holster in room as pistol is not allowed...

Homage - honor, tribute, great respect 
Usage - One had to pay homage to the king. 
Link - Homage = Home + Age; In our culture, we respect the aged persons of our home...

Homely - unattractive, not good looking, having a feeling of home
Link - most of the homely girls are very unattractive(behen ji types) a days guys want hot and sexy  gals....

Homeostasis - tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium
Usage - The question is: What physiological systems help to maintain heart rate homeostasis? 
Link - split it as homeo+status...i.e if you take homeo medicine then your status will be stable or the body system will maintain relative stability...
Link2 - sounds like homo+status...if you turn your status to a will be relieved from all girly shit..(u can send ur gf 2 me in dat case.. :P)

Homily - sermon, tedious moralizing lecture, serious warning 
Usage -  He also said that he preached short, well prepared homilies.
Link -  homily = home becomes silly....when you get a warning from your parents you take it as an unwanted homily (sermon)...
Link2 - home+silly....when we do SILLY things at HOME ,our parents get annoyed and we get SERIOUS WARNING of being beaten by belt...

Hone -  sharpen
Usage - Camps offer a chance to hone skills in horse riding, or football, or event to study for exams. 
Link - Hone sounds like horn or cone, and both horn and cone are sharp..

Hoodwink -  deceive, delude
Usage - He hoodwinked his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well 
Link - the thief winked under the hood of his jacket to deceive the cops...

Hortatory - encouraging, marked by exhortation
Usage - Although he does not use hortatory language at this point, a concern for the audience is transparent.
Link - when you are working in your office and your boss sends a hot girl in your room to do it with her...but only at one have to finish the work will be encouraged..
Link2 - While ploughing farms with bulls, farmers say "HUR HUR ;HORT HORT" to encourage bulls to move ahead. This is HORTATORY....

Hothead - person who does things too quickly without thinking
Link - head means person(per head)... when we touch hot stuffs like hot iron..we take our hand immediately off it without thinking...hence hothead refers to person who does things without thinking..

Hover - hang about, stay in the air in one place
Usage - The shy student hovered in the corner 
Link - HOVER----HangOVER in air.....

Hubbub - confused uproar, loud noise 
Usage - Set down a winding farm track the cottage is a tranquil hideaway from the hubbub of modern day life. 
Link - when people come to a HUB(center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation), they tend to get confused due to the loud noise present there...

hii guys...find me at facebook by searching with "funvocab builder"....follow d blog  to get all d words in ur mail...


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