Saturday, November 21, 2009

25th list

Cant - insincere statement
Link - The term 'cunt' is a cant statement.

Cantata - short musical work
Link - Sardarji presented cantata on truck TATA.

Capitulate - surrender
Link - My friend said to me, "My capital(money) tu le le(you take)".

Caprice - sudden change of mind without any real cause
Link - Cap's price are caprice.

Carafe - glass water bottle
Link - For my car's cafe, I bought a carafe.

Wanna have full word list of links????start following and commenting on lucky follower will be e-mailed full word list....cheers.....


abhishekmishra said...

hey mail me plzz

abhishekmishra said...

well buddy as far as i remember....m ur second follower in this blog....n dont worry.m spreading ur blog in orkut n other social networkin sites....n i will continue that....

Not Applicable said...

@abhishek thnx for showing interest in this blog..well i will be mailing the list as soon as i get atleast 15 tell your other friends to follow the blog..and how do i know that you are spreading my blog???coz m not gettin that much traffic...